« Citizen derives from the anglo-french citesein, an altered form of citéain, later citoyen. Citizen designates an inhabitant of a city or of a town, especially one possessing civic rights and privileges, a burgess or a freeman of a city.
Extensively, citizen also designates a member of a state, an enfranchised inhabitant of a country, as opposed to an alien. A citizen is a person, native or naturalized, who has the privilege of voting for public offices, and is entitled to full protection in the exercise of private rights. Citizen derives from city, from the french Cité, deriving it from the latin civis, a word that designates not the place, but the community of the citizens. »
(Oxford English Dictionnary)
Citizenship is the position or status of being a citizen, with its rights and privileges.

The Antique model of citizenship, and especially the greek model of the Polis which remains the funding model of european democracies, was excluding women, slaves, males under 20, non-Athenian folks.
One could be an Athenian dweller for her all life without never being gratified of any political right within the city.

Citizenship is historically a process of exclusion, where the most privileged members of a community were the only ones entitled to discuss the whole City’s affairs and govern its destiny.

Has the situation really changed ? What is a citizen today ? Are all the city dwellers equal ?

When « designing with, and for the citizens », who am I excluding ? Regarding urban policies, who should be entitled to have her voice heard ? Only people benefiting a birth right ? An administrative existence ? Or should all city dwellers be considered as equally insightful ?
Including the drunken lunatic who’s pushing his cart around the city ? Or the young refugees who are sleeping in parks ? Or the violent kids who are peddling drugs near the station ?
What am I and what do I wish to be ? A dweller or a citizen ? What should mainly circumscribe my subjectivity ? The fact of living somewhere ? Or the possibility to be fitted into an institutional and administrative apparatus of power ?